Webinar hosted by Stall Myra

Bli med oss på et spennende Webinar med Maria Terese Engell! Maria Terese er veterinær, forsker og grunnlegger av Rider In Balance. Hun er den første personen i verden som har fullført en doktorgrad innen hest-rytterinteraksjon, og i dette webinaret vil du få en grundig innføring i både hestens og rytterens biomekanikk. I tillegg til […]


RiB Performance and Welfare: Applied Day

Kalneset Hesteklinikk Røgdestranda 399, Grue Finnskog, Norway

RiB Course: Practical Day. Open to all that has finished RiB Module 1 or RiB Performance and Welfare Basic Hands-on rider analysis and practical insights into improving horse-rider interaction, emphasizing effective communication and enhancing overall performance. Registration


RiB Performance and Welfare: Basic

This two day course gives you the fundamentals of biomechanics and the basic tools you need to improve both as a rider and a trainer. This course is open to everyone, and is mandatory for those who want to attend more of the RiB Performance and Welfare courses. Introduction to the fundamental concepts in horse-rider […]
